What Is Trauma?

What Is Trauma?

Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, crime, natural disaster, physical or emotional abuse, neglect, experiencing or witnessing violence, death of a loved one, war, and more. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships, and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.

While these feelings are normal, some people have difficulty moving on with their lives. Psychologists can help them find constructive ways of managing their emotions.

When we experience very stressful, frightening or distressing events that are difficult to cope with or out of our control, this can cause trauma throughout your entire lifetime depending on the severity. It could be one incident, or an ongoing event that happens over a long period of time. Most of us will experience an event in our lives that could be considered traumatic.

In the U.S., 26% of children experience a traumatic event before the age of four. Two-thirds of children will experience a traumatic event before they turn 16.

Source – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services

What Are the Symptoms of Trauma?

If you or someone you care about has gone through a traumatic event, you might observe some signs or symptoms of trauma. Recognizing these signs is essential to seek help and find ways to cope. Trauma manifests differently in each person, but there are some common signs, including:

  • Reliving the event through flashbacks
  • Having panic attacks
  • Being constantly on edge or hyperaware
  • Feeling anxious, frightened, resentful, or unsafe
  • Losing interest in everyday activities
  • Becoming irritable or quick-tempered
  • Excessive worrying or frequent crying
  • Disturbed sleep patterns, often with nightmares
  • Avoiding anything that reminds you of the event
  • Withdrawing from loved ones
  • Experiencing overwhelming guilt about the event
  • Showing symptoms of depression
  • Turning to unhealthy substances for coping

In addition to these emotional and psychological reactions, trauma survivors might also experience physical symptoms like headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, excessive sweating, or a rapid heartbeat. They may also startle easily.

Types of Trauma

Various life experiences can lead to trauma. Even if two individuals experience the same event, one might be traumatized while the other may not. Trauma is identified by its enduring effects rather than the event itself. It is considered traumatic if it results in long-term (or sometimes lifelong) adverse impacts. If you don’t experience these lasting effects, the event either did not cause trauma or only caused short-term trauma.

Trauma manifests in many ways because potentially traumatic events affect people differently. Here are different types of trauma with definitions and examples:

Acute Trauma

Acute trauma results from a single incident, such as a car accident or job loss. This type of trauma is specific and identifiable. You may have a strong reaction immediately after the incident, but the distressing effects usually don’t persist. Recovery from acute trauma is often faster compared to other forms.

Chronic Trauma

Chronic trauma develops from exposure to prolonged and repeated traumatic events. It may stem from experiences like emotional neglect, physical or sexual abuse, or other forms of ongoing mental, emotional, and physical harm. Chronic trauma can be difficult to pinpoint, as it doesn’t always have a clear start, middle, or end.

Complex Trauma

Complex trauma occurs when someone endures multiple or recurrent traumatic events. This often arises from situations where the survivor couldn’t escape and was compelled to endure, such as living with a parent with severe mental illness or substance abuse problems. Individuals with complex trauma often feel unsafe and are hypervigilant about potential threats. Like chronic trauma, complex trauma is not linear and can be challenging to define.

Secondary or Vicarious Trauma

Secondary or vicarious trauma happens when you are exposed to the traumatic experiences of others. Even though you didn’t directly experience the event, witnessing it can be traumatizing. This often affects doctors, first responders, and counselors whose roles require them to intervene during or after traumatic events. This type of trauma can also lead to burnout and compassion fatigue.

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)

An ACE is any harmful experience a child faces before they are mature enough to handle it. This includes both directly experienced and witnessed events, such as child sexual abuse, the death of a loved one, emotional neglect, and divorce. ACEs influence a child’s brain development and impact their mental health into adulthood.


Naturally Caused Trauma

Naturally caused trauma results from natural disasters or occurrences. These events range from hurricanes and blizzards to floods or volcanic eruptions. Any natural occurrence that induces distress or panic can lead to trauma.

Human-Caused Trauma

Human-caused trauma arises from traumatic events caused by people, either accidentally or intentionally. Accidental traumatic events include car accidents, plane crashes, or friendly fire. Intentional traumatic events cover a broader range, including any form of abuse or violence like warfare, homicide, arson, bullying, or harassment.


Individual Trauma

Individual trauma affects one person but can impact others around them. It includes single, multiple, and prolonged traumatic events. Those who experience this type of trauma are less likely to disclose it or receive help compared to those who experience group trauma.

Group Trauma

Group trauma occurs when a small group with a shared identity or history experiences a traumatic event. For example, group trauma can happen to first responders or military personnel. Those affected often only feel comfortable discussing the trauma with others from their group.

Mass Trauma

Also known as collective trauma, mass trauma happens when a single event impacts a large number of people. This includes natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and human-caused events like war or terrorism. The recent COVID-19 pandemic is an example of mass trauma. It necessitates large-scale resources for coping and recovery, but those affected also tend to unite because of their shared experience, facing both mental and financial struggles to return to normal.


Re-traumatization can occur at any point in a survivor’s life. It happens when they encounter situations that remind them of the traumatic event, triggering stress reactions or flashbacks. Survivors can also be re-traumatized during trauma care, as recounting events or answering questions from clinicians can evoke memories.


Re-traumatization can occur at any point in a survivor’s life. It happens when they encounter situations that remind them of the traumatic event, triggering stress reactions or flashbacks. Survivors can also be re-traumatized during trauma care, as recounting events or answering questions from clinicians can evoke memories.

Holina Residential Treatment​

We have a wonderful resort here on the beautiful tropical island of Koh Phangan, with a private beach, multiple swimming pools, sauna, gym, massage hut, etc and many salas and other hangouts.
We cater to all dietary requirements and we have an open policy towards people from all religions, atheists, cultures, classes, gender / gender identities, sexuality, age and body shapes. 

Safe & Luxurious Resort

Gorgeous Rooms

Seaview Sunset Location

On Site Treatment

2 Seaside Pools

Fully Equipped Gym

Ice Bath & Sauna

Holina Cafe

Residential Daily Timeline

At Holina we have a wide range of treatments and activities that are proven steps in bringing you back to yourself. Each day is different at Holina but we do follow a regular daily schedule when possible from Monday to Friday as outlined below. Please note this is a rough guide to what your normal day would consist of at Holina Rehab when you participate in our Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Holina.

On weekends we break from the normal schedule and explore some of the best locations Koh Phangan has to offer.

Morning Meditation

At Holina we do this in 30 minute sessions so our guests can get used to the experience first hand.


Yoga increases physical health & Workshops help you to understand body awareness.


Start your day with a healthy breakfast with a full selection and choice of healthy and nutritious options available.

Morning Treatment

This section of your day changes day to day as we go through the 12 Step model of treatment.


We are able to cater for absolutely all dietary requirements, including Vegan, Vegetarian, lactose free, gluten free, pescatarian, keto, or specific allergies, including nuts, etc.

Afternoon Treatment

This section of your day changes day to day as we go through the 12 Step model of treatment.


Each evening we have a buffet style dinner with daily changes to our dishes with western and asian food available.

Evening Activities

We have a host of evening activities including movie nights , dance & music theraph & sound healing to name a few.

How Our Trauma Treatment Works

Holina Rehab treats addictions, often accompanied by trauma, anxiety and depression. We don’t have a fixed start date. The program begins as soon as you arrive. 
We use the proven western 12 Step model of treatment, mixed with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and various other talking therapy strategies, combined with our holistic healing therapies and mixed with mindfulness practices, which originate from Thai Buddhism and other Eastern Spiritual practices.
We have Counsellors, Coaches, Mentors, Therapists, Psychotherapists, Trainers and even a Monk on our diverse and experienced team.