Food Addiction Treatment
Food Addiction Treatment
Recovery from food addiction is possible at Holina rehab with our food addiction treatment program. Surprisingly it can be achieved using the same program and principles as recovery from alcohol, drugs, gambling, gaming, sex and other process or behavioural addictions that we commonly encounter at Holina food addiction treatment centre. Once we understand which foods are flooding our brain with dopamine, we simply abstain from the foods containing such ingredients – typically, sugar, refined carbohydrates, and processed foods.
Our Food addiction treatment program at Holina effectively treats food addictions using our full suite of treatments available in Primary Care, including the 12 Step Program, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Motivational Interviewing, and a Systemic Counselling approach, mixed with wellness, mindfulness and holistic activities during Holina’s food addiction treatment program.

What Is Addiction Detoxification?
Detoxification is a process of abolishing a substance of dependence from the body in a way which does not hinder the body’s physiology. Detoxification often takes a couple of days and half a month to finish, which is contingent upon the substance being abused, the seriousness of reliance and the help accessible to the client. Metabolism plays an important role in an effective detoxification process; some of the eminent enzymes discussed in this review, help in the excretion of xenobiotics. Psychosocial treatments nearby pharmacological medicines are fundamental to improving results. The over-reliance conditions considered in this review are detoxification from opioids with clonidine-naltrexone, buprenorphine and other procedures, and detoxification of benzodiazepines through adjunctive therapies and medications. Detoxification of psychostimulants with propranolol and amantadine is also discussed in detail.

What Is Food Addiction?
Food addiction (FA) is loosely defined as homeostatic eating behaviour involving the consumption of highly palatable foods (ie, foods high in salt, fat, and sugar) in quantities beyond homeostatic energy requirements. FA shares some common symptomology with other pathological eating disorders, such as binge eating. Current theories suggest that FA shares both behavioural similarities and overlapping neural correlates to other substance addictions. Although preliminary, neuroimaging studies in response to food cues and the consumption of highly palatable food in individuals with FA compared to healthy controls have shown differing activation patterns and connectivity in brain reward circuits including regions such as the striatum, amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex, insula, and nucleus accumbens.
Additional effects have been noted in the hypothalamus, a brain area responsible for regulating eating behaviours and peripheral satiety networks. FA is highly impacted by impulsivity and mood. Chronic stress can negatively affect hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis functioning, thus influencing eating behaviour and increasing the desirability of highly palatable foods.
Source – International Review of Neurobiology
The Physical Effects Of Having A Food Addiction
If you or your loved one had been struggling with a food addiction, you may understand the implications this may have on the various aspects of your life. If food addiction is left ignored or untreated, it can rapidly begin consuming your life, creating damaging and chronic symptoms. Understanding how this may affect the different aspects of your life may encourage you to get the help you need and deserve through our food addiction treatment program.
The following are some of the effects of an addiction to food that we see in our food addiction treatment:
- Heart Disease & Diabetes
- Digestive Problems
- Heart Disease
- Malnutrition
- Obesity
- Chronic fatigue or Chronic pain
- Sleep disorders
- Reduced sex drive
- Headaches or Lethargy
- Arthritis
- Stroke
- Kidney/Liver Disease
- Osteoporosis

What Are Symptoms Of Food Addiction?
This Eating Disorder can be recognizable by numerous signs and symptoms. The following are possible symptoms of an addiction to food:
- Eating much more than intended
- Eating until feeling excessively stuffed
- Feeling guilty afterwards but doing it again soon
- Making up excuses
- Repeated failures at setting rules
- Hiding eating from others
- Unable to quit despite physical problems
Our food addiction treatment has recognised that severe eating has become a compulsive challenge for many people, who don’t even realise they have a problem. It is considered a behavioural addiction, like gambling, gaming, shopping, or sex, as it gives such intense pleasures, even if they’re not highlighted by the individual yet.
People with food addictions have very similar patterns of being unable to stop themselves from beginning a [food] binge and failing to understand that once they start eating trigger foods they will struggle to stop – just like with certain narcotics. And similarly, they may develop certain food tolerances meaning that they will consume more and more, only to find that these foods and drinks give them less and less satisfaction.
Holina Residential Treatment

Safe & Luxurious Resort
Gorgeous Rooms
Seaview Sunset Location
On Site Treatment
2 Seaside Pools
Fully Equipped Gym
Ice Bath & Sauna
Holina Cafe
Residential Daily Timeline
At Holina we have a wide range of treatments and activities that are proven steps in bringing you back to yourself. Each day is different at Holina but we do follow a regular daily schedule when possible from Monday to Friday as outlined below. Please note this is a rough guide to what your normal day would consist of at Holina Rehab when you participate in our Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Holina.
On weekends we break from the normal schedule and explore some of the best locations Koh Phangan has to offer.

At Holina we do this in 30 minute sessions so our guests can get used to the experience first hand.

Yoga increases physical health & Workshops help you to understand body awareness.

Start your day with a healthy breakfast with a full selection and choice of healthy and nutritious options available.

This section of your day changes day to day as we go through the 12 Step model of treatment.

We are able to cater for absolutely all dietary requirements, including Vegan, Vegetarian, lactose free, gluten free, pescatarian, keto, or specific allergies, including nuts, etc.

This section of your day changes day to day as we go through the 12 Step model of treatment.

Each evening we have a buffet style dinner with daily changes to our dishes with western and asian food available.

We have a host of evening activities including movie nights , dance & music theraph & sound healing to name a few.
How Our Food Addiction Treatment Works